Roll-On Pain Relief From Cativa CBD

Focused pain relief: that was the idea that first sparked our Cativa CBD Balance CBD + CBG Roll-On Oil. Ever since it was first released, we’ve gotten a great deal of positive feedback on this small bottle with a tremendous amount of power. That’s why we want to share more on why and how it was created—along with a closer look at each of its 7 simple ingredients. 

The New Roll-On Oil For Muscles

It was our golfing clients who first raised the question of a product developed for their needs. As a brand developed side-by-side with athletes, we had originally created the Restore CBD Body Cream to provide topical relaxation after a long day on the links. Luxuriously scented, its purpose is everyday use, after workouts or fresh out of the shower for an invigorating application. Our golfers now wanted to know, however, if more severe issues could be addressed.


Thus Balance CBD + CBG Roll-On Oil was created as a powerhouse punch for sore muscles. In addition to both CBD and CBG cannabinoids, the oil contains eucalyptus and frankincense, along with carrier oils (MCT, coconut, and magnesium). Athletes and others with chronic or every-day issues will benefit most from its use.

The Ingredients From Cativa CBD

Carrier oils: MCT, coconut, magnesium

Medium-chain triglycerides, or MCTs, are used as a fat source when taken orally. In our topical oil, MCTs and coconut oil are absorbed easily into the skin to get the CBD and CBG to muscles quickly. Magnesium oil is actually a blended combo of magnesium chloride flakes and water—it also absorbs beautifully.


Eucalyptus has a wide-ranging number of benefits and has been used for topical and medical purposes for hundreds of years. On the skin, it is rich with antioxidants and tannins which can ease inflammation. It is also antimicrobial . . . and smells fantastic!


Derived from the resin of the Boswellia sacra tree, frankincense is another richly scented ingredient with a long history of aromatherapy and skin care applications. In short-term use it has been shown to be highly effective for pain reduction and inflammation relief. 




Part of our roll-on creation process at Cativa CBD included a tight focus on the most highly effective cannabinoids, which is where the decision was made to blend CBD and CBG in the roll-on. CBD hydrates, has anti-inflammatory properties, and penetrates deeply and quickly to relax tightly wound muscles.




CBG provides that extra boost to battle both muscle pain and inflammation, as well as antioxidant impact. When paired with CBD the combination is “supercharged” on the skin for maximum efficacy.

Need Something Stronger?

Looking for additional impact? We also recommend consideration of our newest roll-on product, Plus CBD Roll-on Oil. This brand-new oil contains full-spectrum CBD (including the legal limit of THC). It is part of the lineup of full-spectrum CBD products crafted by our team at Cativa CBD, and is loaded with additional benefits.

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